Principal’s Message

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Change is always associated with liveliness. I firmly believe that education should be a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning.  A school must offer an environment wherein students will learn by interacting with nature, society, and their own selves. A student should be aware of what he is learning and use it for the good of society. He should have an open mind to relearn the things that will make him more human. The goal of our school is to make our students spiritually men and women of character.

Daniel Burnham, the American architect and urban planner who was instrumental in the development of the skyscraper once said,“Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir your blood to action. Make big plans, aim high in work, and hope.” Thus, it has been with Campion school. The last 80 years have seen many big plans taking shape: Our children have been provided with a number of opportunities. At Campion, teaching is not limited to ‘listening and learning’. With the interactive panels, Smart Boards from prep to secondary section, 4D printer, and robotics we have a multi-pronged approach to teaching. We salute the long line of teachers and masters, clerical staff and peons, whose blood, toil, sweat and tears to borrow from Winston Churchill, run through every corridor and down every wall of this school.

Here, at Campion School, we firmly believe that the services of every single individual associated with this School are important. We are all members of one team. When we work together, we can achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Now, what are these goals? We strive first for academic excellence. We must bring out the best in our students, whatever the academic subjects they are taught or the practical skills they learn. What we impart to them must also be socially relevant. It must enhance their understanding of the world in which they live and help them to cope with the challenges they face. They must become aware of the various problems people around them are facing, especially mass poverty, social injustices, and environmental degradation. Learning experiences in the school must be designed for the all-round development of their personalities. Jesuit education attaches prime importance to character formation, i.e., the imbibing of universal values like honesty, integrity, courage, perseverance, patriotism, and selfless service to the needy. We expect that the students will turn out to be broad-minded persons, who realize that they are so: first and foremost, that they are human beings and citizens of the world. Discrimination on the basis of race, caste, religion, language, culture, nation, or region, must find NO place in their thinking and dealings with people.

The education they receive in this School must make them men and women of conscience (i.e., upright), compassionate for all living creatures (or humaneness), and committed to duty. The school must foster the spirit of cooperation rather than unhealthy competition.

As we mark the 80th year of Campion School, let us pledge to work even harder to further the vision and mission of Campion and build a future where all members of the human family are connected and enjoy access to our services.

Fr.(Dr.) Francis Swamy S.J.



Education is a key factor in determining one’s attitudes and outlook. It is an undisputed fact.  Yet it is tragic to observe how highly literate persons are influenced by terrorism and a narrow outlook.  Do the academic objectives and the ethos of educational institutions influence student achievement?  Does the type of institute one attends influence students’ personal development? Does the type of school one attends affect one’s value system?

Every education system represents certain ideas and ideals, which play a decisive role in shaping the future of a society/country.  Similarly, Jesuit education has its own identified objectives and characteristics one of which is to motivate the students to strive after excellence in every field. ‘Excellence’ is an empowering word. People feel strongly and deeply about it. Excellence can be understood differently by different people.  One cannot expect every man to be excellent and yet everyone should aim at achieving excellence in one or other aspects of one’s life.

The Jesuit concept of excellence is based on the Ignatian concept of the “MAGIS” – “THE MORE”.  It does not imply comparison with others or measurement of progress against an absolute standard rather it is the fullest possible development of each person’s individual capacity at each stage of life joined to his/her willingness to continue this development throughout life and the motivation to use those personally developed gifts for others.

Jesuit schools undertake different projects with the main aim of inculcating in the students love for excellence.  But this pursuit of academic excellence is appropriate only within the larger context of human excellence. The Jesuit education is based on the Ignatian worldview. This Ignatian worldview is not to prepare socio-economic elite but orient students to become leaders in service.

‘Human Excellence’ is defined  in the context of Jesuit education as, the development of every dimension of an individual by inculcating in him the sense of values and a commitment to the service of others. This should make him realize the priority of the needs of the poor and he should be willing to sacrifice his self-interest for the promotion of justice.

We must excel in our work and at the same time become good human beings. Excellence is never achieved by doing ordinary things but by doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way continuously, with commitment, sincerity, devotion, and dedication. In very simple terms, our most essential goal is to keep ourselves alive and happy. Pleasure, delight and happiness are signs that show that a certain being is successful in achieving that goal.  In order to be happy, we need human excellence, which involves the overcoming of selfishness, going out of one-self, increasing the quality of communication and relationships with others. Constructive interpersonal relationship with others is a vital element in achieving human excellence. In such relationship there should be harmony and mutual cooperation.

Educational institutions play a decisive role in shaping the future of society/country. If our only concern is about intellectual development, about cramming brains with facts, we will produce perfect robots, not human persons. We have high educated terrorists, clever thieves, and smart deceivers in the world today. Education which does not develop morals or good values is not truly human. Recent research done on the attitudes and behaviour of young people reveal a noticeable decline in their understanding of the need to respect others, to be responsible, compassionate, kind, honest and  self-disciplined etc. The young minds are far too influenced by the highly materialistic event around us.  A basic human value which promotes peace and harmony has become a scare commodity. It is vital to have trust in each other. We become afraid of each other. We become selfish and uncaring. We find goodness in every culture. Every religion stands for good values. Lord Jesus in one of his teachings said in the gospel of Mathew (7:12) “Do for others what you want them to do for you.”   Children are not born with values. They learn and imbibe values as they grow. The parents are the first teacher who teaches their children good values. They need to read stories about them. They need the examples of adults living them. In schools using reflective pedagogy, that education caters to the head, heart and hand.  The new millennium has brought with it not only the basic problems of population, pollution, poverty and scarcity of resources but also problems like terrorism, communal disharmony and the narrow outlook of nationalism.  This requires world citizens to grow from just discussions and debates to action-oriented projects.  The new millennium calls for a citizen who is sensitive to his fellow human beings and makes conscious efforts towards living a harmonious human life.  To shape such a citizen ought to be the endeavour of educational institutions.

In particular, excellence in education is measured not by the quality of the work produced by the ablest students but by the degree to which every student has realised his full potentialities.

Ours is a Jesuit school. Recently our worldwide organisation has spelt our ten characteristics of what makes a Jesuit school a Jesuit. The ten characteristics are as follows:

  1. Jesuit Schools are committed to being Catholic and to offer in-depth faith formation in dialogue with other religions and worldviews
  2. Jesuit Schools are committed to creating a Safe and Healthy Environment for all
  3. Jesuit Schools are committed to Global Citizenship
  4. Jesuit Schools are committed to Care of all Creation
  5. Jesuit Schools are committed to Justice
  6. Jesuit Schools are committed to being Accessible for All
  7. Jesuit Schools are committed to Interculturality
  8. Jesuit Schools are committed to being a Global Network at the service of the Mission
  9. Jesuit Schools are committed to human excellence
  10. Jesuit Schools are committed to life-long learning

Today, while we do our best to make our pupils professionally competent and well-versed in the latest technologies, we cannot forget that these efforts are to be subordinated to and oriented, always, towards the higher values of Service of God and Service of humanity, with true humility, deep commitment, and compassion for all God’s creatures on Planet Earth and in the Universe – the real hallmarks of Jesuit Education.



Mr. Wilfred Alva

My passion for becoming a teacher came from the Indian Navy. I was the Chief Physical Training Instructor in the Navy and I used to teach young cadets and train them in various Military training Academy NDA Khaddakwasla, Naval Maritime Academy {Vishakapattnam}, Sainik School Kazahkootam. I always wanted to be a teacher as it is a noble profession. My passion has deep-seated roots and I love spreading my knowledge to the young minds of society who will shape the face of our nation or even our world. My motto as a teacher is to transform children into responsible citizens of our country and help them achieve a disciplined and healthy lifestyle. My aim and ambition are to help my students to grow in sports, develop their character and help them become sensitive and rational members of modern society. As a teacher of Campion school, my goal is to aid as many students as I can, and help them become successful in life.

Ms. Gyzel Rodrigues

Becoming a teacher was not destined.

It was fate! After clearing UPSC in my stream I somewhat couldn’t adjust to the work profile and hence thought of choosing a different path.

Coming from a family of Teacher’s, I decided to try that profile, and well who knew during the course itself I would be offered a job here at Campion selected by the most loved former principal Mr.Paul Machado. I never knew this so called untold profession in my fate would be the most loved and right decision I had made.

So,  here I am, as a Teacher still at my first job giving my best and trying to live up to my boys expectations ans loving each day amongst them.

Motto as a Teacher:

‘Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.’

– Rita Pierson

If you read this Motto, it is very simple but it withholds power that can transform a child from being an average student to an extra ordinary student and we at Campion strive to work on that.

That is my Motto, I strive to make them analyze because thinking is what all do.

I make them apply because understanding is what all do and overall I make them create because learning is what all do.

Aim- To build a society of sincere, smart and sensitive individuals.

Ambition- To transform our boys into whom we call ‘someone to become huge.

How I perceive myself as  a Teacher in  the future:

Not a teacher but a facilitator, friend, and guide.

I perceive myself to be that teacher who my boys can walk up to and ask anything, share anything and talk anything.

Together with them we will explore those wonders that maybe never even was known.

They will grow, as men of honor who will transform everyone’s thinking.

I see myself as a technological, professional grown individual to help my boys grow in a more concise and precise manner.

Goal for Campion School as a Teacher:

Campion school being the best always  will continue to remain so. But together including all various professions we can soar to heights never thought possible before.

My goal for Campion is to evolve into a school which makes headlines for every successful path it chooses and reach a stage where all look up to it as a school reaching new dimensions.

Mr. Savio Alphonso

Coordinator for the Inter – School activities for the senior school

Years of experience: 28 years

Subjects taught previously: Biology, EVS, P.E. Biology, Mathematics and History

Subjects currently being taught: Biology, EVS, P.E. Biology.

Classes being taught: Class 9 & 10.

Reason I joined Campion: Campion is a Jesuit school and the Jesuits are pioneers in education. The value systems that I have imbibed through all the institutes; St Xavier’s college [Fort] or SXBA or SXIE prepared me to teach at Campion. We as Campion teachers always prepare our students to step out into the world as all-rounders. We provide them with a complete education. That is a trait of a real Campionite and I am proud to say that I am a small part of that Jesuit wheel.

Mr. Cyril D’Souza

I genuinely believe that true education should aim at enhancing all the aspects of a person’s character. It involves the development of not only the intellectual and physical dimensions, but also the fulfillment of emotional, social and spiritual needs. A passionate educator for over 25 years, I have taught English, History, Geography and Value Education in a number of schools across India affiliated to ICSE, CBSE and State Boards before my arrival in Campion in 2000. The foundation to my passion for education was laid by the Christian Brothers and perfected undeniably, by the Jesuits. Wherever I have been since 1994, my endeavour has been to support and collaborate with all the stakeholders of the institution in providing its children the most conducive atmosphere for personal growth and setting targets to attain perfection and excellence. From the beginning my focus has been helping children discover and develop their potential and channelize their resources and energy towards a purposeful self-discovery, goal-oriented ambition, and to build and shape their character by providing suitable and ample learning experiences.

My motto: ‘Be a part, yet apart in the journey of life.’

Ms. Beverley D’Souza

After my Bachelor’s degree from St Xavier’s College and Masters through SNDT , I explored the corporate world, Public speaking and Hospitality industry for a year.

I soon realised that I was happiest and most comfortable when surrounded by children.

Two years later, after completing my B Ed., Campion school became a dream come true. I am now continuing to grow and learn with my students as I push them to dream, explore, reinvent and achieve for themselves.

Off campus I enjoy trekking, traveling, dancing, tasting different cuisines, visits to book stores and libraries and rendering my services to the community.

My aim in Campion school as a teacher is to create a love for learning creating an eagerness for the students to come to school rather than a dread.

Mr. Cyrus Pereira

” Knowledge without practice is useless. Practice without knowledge is dangerous” – Confucius

I believe that knowledge without application is useless. I challenge my students and thereby help them to grow and discover themselves.

There might be many who fear my subjects. Who might even hate it. Yes! Mathematics  and Science.

In today’s changing world where information is easily available. I teach them to understand, analyse, apply and finally create something new and unique.

My purpose is to create a love for learning, So that they remain life long learners.

Ms. Shannen D’Souza

Why I chose teaching: I want to be able to help children grow and blossom while on their educational journey. I also wanted to become a teacher because I know how important my teachers where for me. I know they played a very important role in my life, and encouraged me to reach my full potential and I can’t think of any job as important to society as teaching.

My motto as a teacher: 

  • In every lesson give yourself the opportunity to learn from the class in the same way that they learn from you.

Aim and Ambition as a Teacher:

My and ambition as a teacher is to

  • Bring happiness, joy and understanding in the lives of my students.
  • To make a positive difference in my students life by instilling in them values and knowledge.
  • To encourage my students to have an opinion and perspective of their own.

How I perceive myself as a Teacher in the future: 

I love this job! Hopefully I will become a great teacher over the years, someone the students will remember in good means, like someone who had a good impact on them.

Your goal for Campion School as a Teacher: 

My goal for Campion School as a teacher would be to

  • Instill Positive Action principles into students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral learning domains.
  • To develop well-rounded students: including physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
  • To promote good mental health in students
Ms Seetal Tuscano

Children are the Architects of the world’s future. The classroom presents the students with an environment not just to learn subjects, but also to learn to interact, collaborate, listen, understand, observe, communicate, thus teaching all the skills necessary for the student’s future.

Being a teacher gives me the opportunity to play a key role in shaping these creators of tomorrow. As a teacher, I get to mould the minds of each of these young ones by teaching them good values, inculcating good behaviour, teaching discipline and impart knowledge.

It is imperative to me that I create passion in my students for learning so that they become interested to pursue new learnings which will help them grow and be independent.

For this, I strive to assess the individual learning needs and grasping capability of my students and deliver my classes in a way to provide an impactful, effective and an engaging learning experience to my students.

Ms. Shweta Carneiro

I found my passion for Mathematics in Class 9 when my teacher encouraged me to write proofs of theorems on my own rather than referring to the books directly. I pursued my graduation from St. Xaviers College, Mumbai and post-graduation from Mumbai University, Kalina in Mathematics and developed a liking for Pure Mathematics. That’s when I decided to be a Mathematics teacher. I completed my B.Ed from St. Xavier’s Institute of Education.

I love Mathematics for the logical nature of the subject and I believe that it cannot be completely understood and enjoyed with merely practising the steps of solving and ignoring the concept. Therefore, I strive to explain the concepts to my students and try my best to help students love Mathematics the way my teachers helped me.

Physics is a subject that is considered difficult by the students but it is applicable to literally everything around us and that’s what I try to make my students realise and enjoy the beauty of the subject.

The resilience that Mathematics and Physics have as subjects is something that I would like to inculcate in my students as a teacher of Mathematics and Physics.

Ms. Melinda Fernandes

“To teach is to touch a life forever“
I have been a witness to this motto and hope that my students, too, experience the same. Teaching wasn’t my initial idea of a lifelong career however God had his plans for me and I found myself drawn to this profession. I, now, consider it to be my greatest joy, privilege and honour. My aim as a teacher is to enable my students to be able to learn with passion and enthusiasm; all while facilitating them to become the best version of themselves. I wish to continue to learn and grow in my professional and personal self so that I can help pave the way for my flourishing students. Campion has been the wind beneath my wings. I am truly fortunate to have found my second home in Campion. My colleagues and my students are what make this less of a job and more a vocation.

Ms. Sapphire Fernandes

“Teach the way you’d want to be taught.”

I strongly believe that each student learns best when he actively participates in his own learning. Hence, I always strive to engage my students in playful learning activities that will help them enhance their learning experiences and help them retain matter learnt with ease.

To me, each of my students is special and I aim to know them better. As an English and Social studies teacher, I enjoy having fruitful conversations with my students on topics and subjects that are important and relevant to them, thus enabling me to understand their feelings and their perception of the world around them.

Ms. Swati Chawla


INTERESTS: Poetry / script writing, Drama direction, to  organise poetry and debate competitions, Guidance and counseling (I feel students feel a motherly touch with me that’s why they share their feelings with me)

I have selected teaching as my profession because I love children. When I am  surrounded by them, I feel tremendous satisfaction. I think that the progress of any country depends on education. The children are the future citizens of our country and I am happy that I am a part of their life. My teaching subject is Hindi which is our national language and I feel that we, Indian should be very proud of our national language and we should respect it. People think that Hindi is a little difficult but it depends on the way you teach them. Now the students take interest in learning Hindi. There are many students who have shown tremendous interest in Hindi after encouragement and improved the result as well.

Ms. Jyoti Mishra

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ”  – Anthony J. D’Angelo

Hi, I Jyoti Mishra, am proud to be a part of Campion School.

It is a delight to have been a part of this prestigious institution since 2005. It has been an honour to serve the institution and to promote its motto of “Gaudium in Veritate” by spreading the Joy in Truth.

Becoming a teacher lets you impart life lessons they will never forget and puts you in a position to influence the child’s decisions, behaviours, strengths, weaknesses and imagination. Becoming a teacher lets you take part in shaping the next generation. I enjoy teaching as it is a source of my energy and enthusiasm.

I aim at helping my students learn better communication, soft skills, intra personal skill, develop a sense of self-esteem and Self-worth.

My aim for the institution is to create leadership skills, foster qualities of co-operation, tolerance and dedication.

Mr. Sunil Almeida

Qualification: M.Phil (Hist)  M.A. (Hist)  M.A. (AIC)  LLB,  B.Ed, PGDCM

Total no. of Experience: 19 years.

Motto : Free the Human Mind and let it fly beyond the Boundaries.

Aim and Ambition as an Educationist: To challenge a child to reason everything and help them build a world they envision.

Educationist in the future: To use every available technology and method to deepen and grow along with the students in their journey and quest to build a new world and social order.

Mr. Denziano Rodrigues

Brief summary of how you opted to become a Teacher

All my life, I was brought up by my parents and teachers with values that focused on the kind gesture of giving.

I discovered my natural ability to transfer learned knowledge and values to others pretty early on and that’s what motivated me to contribute towards transforming lives through the medium of education.

Motto as a Teacher: To inspire every child to be free to fulfil his potential by  fearlessly learning from failure.

Aim and Ambition as a Teacher: My aim would be to show my students compassion and sympathy and to develop the confidence that they can achieve anything with dedication and hard work.

As a Master of Biological science and with proficiency in the field of technology, I would like to see that my students excel not only in education and technology, but emulate the humanitarian values and inspire future generations to become humane!

 How I perceive myself as a Teacher in the future: A motivating tool that facilitates creativity and optimism through opportunities that help them rise despite challenges by facing adversities head on.

Goal for Campion School as a Teacher: Campion school has been the best boys’ school and I would like to see our campion school rise to the International level in collaboration with my principal, coordinators and colleagues.

Dr. Mitesh Gala

Dr. Mitesh Gala, always believed that “One should be around those people whose qualities we wish to imbibe”. Children are most innocent, energetic and full of life. Thus he chose this profession so that he is always surrounded by these lovely children to imbibe their qualities for lifetime.

His motto is to become a catalyst in shaping young minds to achieve the best in them and grow wisely along with them.

He aims to synchronise teaching learning along with technology and try and reach the remotest child in the country to give them a fair chance to live their ambitions.

He wishes to become a hub where information is immensely available to children to convert it into knowledge that can be applied.

He wants to make teaching available to all the children at Campion where they can study at their own time, pace and understanding.

Mr. Rahul Sharma

After 15 years of working in the Corporate World, I decided to take a career shift to a passion of mine – Teaching, since I believe all the problems in the world can be solved via EDUCATION. I updated my teaching skills, joined Teach For India and taught at a Municipal School in Powai. Post the TFI stint, I joined Campion School in June 2016. My motto as a teacher is to let the student learn on his own with me acting as a facilitator. I believe knowledge acquired on one’s own leaves a long-lasting impact. I have always believed in using technology to enhance the teaching learning process and I feel that updating one’s skills is mandatory in all walks of life to be successful. I endeavour to do the same

Ms. Shashwati Sengupta

“I want to be a learner all through my life”. This has been my motto throughout. As change is the  only constant in this everchanging world, it is only through education that we can be at par with it. My love for learning and learners, brought me in this profession. I learnt from my teachers, that  when a teacher teaches, she learns and this is the only constant. I perceive myself as an individual  who can bring a positive change in not only my students’ lives but also to the society at large. As a  teacher of Campion school, I want to keep accommodating various learning styles to create an  adequate setting that is conducive to learning.

Ms. Shampa Mukerjee

I first started teaching from my school days, to help my younger brother with his studies. And as I grew older, during my high-school education, I started organising private tuitions for younger children of different  classes. This is where I started my journey with teaching. However, I had to stop teaching and divert my  efforts towards  my graduation, followed by  ICWA studies. Nevertheless After completing my assignment as an Accounts Assistant at a private firm, I started again with my most passionate  profession of teaching through regular tuition classes. The experience of teaching and managing students proved to be a great asset to me while I lived and worked in England for 2-years. I assisted subject teachers at a Primary School with their teaching assignments. Upon returning to India,  I decided to groom myself  more professionally and  completed my  Bachelors in Education  securing first-class from  St. Xavier’s Institute of Education, Mumbai which falls under Mumbai University. Soon after, I joined Campion school in the year 2008 as a  Science Teacher and have been an integral part of the Campion Family since then, specialising in Mathematics and Physics. It has been an extremely invigorating journey with many  learnings and experiences of varied kinds. But one thing that hasn’t wavered, is my passion for teaching and being able to create an environment for learning in my classes. I am extremely grateful that I have chosen a profession, where I still wake-up excited about my job  everyday, even after so many years in this profession.

My two main Mottos: Firstly, to be able to make the subjects of Physics and Mathematics less daunting and more interesting by simplifying it for the students and secondly, to help guide my students to be honest and good human beings.

Ms. Rosemary Misquitta

As a child, I was fascinated by my teachers and held them in high esteem. I was especially in awe of the knowledge they possessed and what they could do to mould the lives of little children. This and my genuine love for children inspired me to take up this profession which I love and enjoy.

My aim would be to excel in my chosen vocation of teaching, enabling students to discover for themselves the joy of knowledge and new learnings.

Ms. Usha Khare

“If you want to change the society and the nation the only source is education. Education polishes a person and brings out the best from him.”

I believe that as a teacher, we can give the best to our students and create various career options for them and future citizens.  I am a Science graduate & hold a post graduate in Hindi. I have invested 28 years of my life in teaching. During my teaching career, I have taught a variety of subjects including Science, Maths ,Hindi & Marathi, with Hindi being taught for the longest time in the senior section. Our dear school Campion has a charm where students and teachers are just like friends with plenty of warmth amongst them. I have seen Campion rise and shine and reach the peak of success. I feel that changes are inevitable.Hence, in the years to come ,I will keep opting for the best things for the continuous growth of Campion.To give the best & to get the best is what I look forward to as it gives me immense satisfaction.

Mr. Dayashankar Pandey

I, Dayashankar Pandey (M.A./B.Ed.) teach Hindi in the Senior school. I have chosen teaching as my profession by intention and not compulsion. Having more than 28 years of teaching experience, I have not only obtained  valuable experience but also imbibed great work ethics.

My motto is to accept all the students as they are, and  they motivate me to make my teaching interesting and meaningful. The content and matter taught to students is of no purpose unlesst it is taught with values.

I would like my students to remember me as someone who showcased tremendous  interest and interaction in class.

During the present Covid-19 crisis, I did my level best to use technology in  Hindi language to make the subject interesting and try new methodology on a daily basis.

Campion has given me my identity as a teacher. It’s my duty and responsibility to do my best to keep its flag flying high. In its glory lies my happiness.

Mr. Anthony Dias

“Education is a Matter of the Heart” – Don Bosco

What inspires me is this saying of Don Bosco a great educator. It gives me immense satisfaction as I am compassionate towards my students and dedicated to my work.

I have learnt through the example of Don Bosco of dealing with students and being a friend to them.  The Preventive system that he followed by the principles of reason and Loving Kindness has helped in my friendly rapport with my students.

My source of inspiration is my love for the children. I see that God is the sole master, and we will be unable to achieve anything unless God teaches us, and puts the key in our hands. I will always strive to make the students feel loved, and we will see the doors of many hearts open with great ease, and join with us in singing praises and blessing of Him who wished to make Himself our model, our way, our example in everything, but especially in the education of the young…”

Ms. Joyce Noronha

The trust and love a young child places in the hands of his/her teacher is incredible. The teacher becomes an integral part of the child’s life long after he has left his classroom behind. Not often do people remember others that cross their paths, but a teacher, Yes! We all have memories of our teachers. The decision of being a teacher came naturally. For me there was no other way to be! I drew inspiration from some of my own teachers. It is their insistence on quality work, presentation, punctuation and strong work ethics that I try to emulate to my best ability. Alongside academics, I also wish to build children to be caring, responsible and conscientious. Men for others, conquering the world with kindness, one day at a time.

Mr. Osden Lopes

"The future of the world is in my classroom today"

Welcome to my classroom, where we will embark on an exciting journey of growth, discovery, and endless possibilities. Together, we will shape the future, one student at a time.

With patience and grace, they lead the way, Nurturing potential, day by day. Inspiring minds to reach for the stars,
Empowering them to break through barriers afar.

A teacher's duty, a sacred trust, To educate, uplift, and adjust. To instill values, both big and small,
Guiding students to stand tall through it all.

They shape the future, one child at a time, Unleashing talents, helping them shine. With compassion as their guiding light, Teachers embrace their role, day and night.

In their hands, lies the power to ignite, A thirst for knowledge, a passion so bright.
With care and dedication, they impart, The love of learning, touching each heart.

Ms. Bernice D’Lima

Music has always been my passion and teaching is a way of sharing this God gifted talent.I have been imparting my knowledge , be it in the field of academics or music since I was 15.

I strongly believe that ‘ Life is a Song – Sing it’

Music is a language that can express all emotions .Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.

My aim is to touch the hearts and lives through music.

I believe that it is never too late to learn and hence, there is so much more to teach.

My goal is to understand & facilitate children’s rhythmic development & utilize music as an outlet for their emotions.Motivating self-confidence in a child is the foundation of their success.

Ms. Zarah Nekoo

I believe that every child’s potential should be celebrated and nurtured. As a teacher, I strive to embody the wisdom of Albus Dumbledore, who famously said, “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”

While I may not have a magical wand, my pen and passion for teaching are tools enough for me to inspire and guide each student. One of the greatest joys in my teaching journey is being part of those magical "Aha" moments. I love witnessing the spark of discovery in a child’s eyes when they unravel a concept on their own. It’s in these moments of self-discovery that true learning happens, and I am committed to fostering an environment where every student feels empowered to explore, question, and grow.

Ms. Sharmila Mishra

I have been teaching Hindi in Campion School, ICSE, for the past Eight years. I always wanted to be an educator right from my school days. I taught my younger siblings, that’s  when I was attracted  towards teaching .

 I joined Campion School. It was like a ‘Dream Come True’.

As a teacher, it is my duty to impart knowledge, moral values and effective communication skills. I am passionate about my teaching and have an ability to reach out to students and create a relationship of mutual trust. I am well-organized and committed to Campion School.

The  student’s curiosity and creativity motivates me to teach. I love listening to their ideas and seeing the way their minds work.

I want to create a classroom atmosphere that encourages and stimulates students to learn things differently and my vision for the school is to ensure that every child’s learning style and abilities are addressed.

Ms. Dorothy Dias

Looking back I see the vivid memories of being at the threshold of life, a teenager with no clear career path to follow. This is an ever changing world that offers new and more lucrative jobs, day after day. Then and only by God’s grace did something wonderful happen. I was offered to step in for a teacher on leave at the Preprimary in Canossa High School Mahim. It was after all my alma mater and I decided to take up the position, for a while. It is here I realized, teachers have vocations …Teachers are not working jobs! This was my calling!

 It was very clear within a few months of teaching that this was an occupation I could be happy with and devote my life to. I began to believe that a teacher can change the world, one child, at a time. We live in a world where the little niceties of life are fast being forgotten. This is where teachers step in to make a change to the clay placed in the hands of the potter.

I aim to make learning a rich, rewarding experience for every student God has placed under my care. I believe teaching should always go beyond the boundaries of the classroom. No matter what the subject one is teaching. Every child is a precious gift. Every child is unique. Every child is a blessing. My conviction is that every child needs to be understood and treated and taught with love.

Looking forward, I know after a decade and more of teaching, neither learning nor teaching is a one-way street. My young students have been my best teachers and in their own childlike way, they have taught me invaluable lessons. Teachers are placed on earth to extract the moonshine from the soul of every student they teach.

 Teaching in school is teamwork. And this teamwork is necessary for the greater good of each student and the institution. I aim to do just that!

Mr. Sunny Rodrigues

Having been in this vocation for more than three decades, Music has now become an integral part of my life. Music to me is Passion first, Profession next.

I strongly believe that each and everyone can sing … You just have to choose the right song & the right scale. I feel blessed at Campion & as a Jr. School Activity Coordinator, It is but my privilege to spot, identify & hone young talent.

Thus to sum it all up as the famous saying goes…

‘Music is not what I do, It’s who I am.’

Mr. Adrian Fernandes

I love teaching kids. Physical education is an important class for students, because it teaches them the value of staying active.

I teach the students the importance of teamwork, strengthen their social skills and help to improve their focus and maximise their abilities in the classroom.

My motto  ‘ Never give up’ as I believe that hard work can help you achieve your goals.

My aim is to develop physical competence and basic movement perfection with safety, and to improve healthy lifestyle and well-being of the child.

I have a very positive outlook in life and I feel a great sense of achievement when I see my students grow and develop as individuals.

I believe that every child should be disciplined, fit and healthy.

Mr. Agnel Das

My motto, ‘ Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading’

As I teach physical education, I believe that it is rather more essential than any other subject.

My aim  is to develop physical competence and knowledge. To encourage students to develop a healthy and active lifestyle.

I would like to use scientific technology to enhance and develop the speed, strength,agility, endurance, flexibility and balance in students.

I strongly believe that inorder to create a healthy and peaceful environment we should instill ‘Campion Patriotism’-  to make the school and country prosper.

Ms. Shilpa Welkar

After completing my post-graduation from J. J. School of Art and having had over 25 years of experience as a professional artist, and almost 12 years of teaching, I owe it all to my Teachers. I chose to follow their footsteps, so I can share the knowledge that was once given to me.

I think that keeping young minds interested and engaged is how we can develop creative individuals for the future, and children themselves can teach us so much.

I look to create an environment where these students look forward to class, and don’t realise how quickly time passes during it.

I look forward to seeing more and more creative minds blooming from Campion.

Ms. Angelina D’Cruz

It is very profoundly said that when the student is ready the teacher appears. Yet, for me it was the other way round. I became a teacher when I saw the perfect happiness and trust a child confidently placed in me in my first assignment as a teacher. For me, teaching is not a job! It is Life itself. My students no longer just approach me for academics, but are generous enough to include me in the pure joy of their little worlds.  I hope and pray that I might be able to light the path for their journey ahead and provide them with a solid foundation for their future. Teaching for me is a privilege, a responsibility and an honour.

Ms. Deanne Fernandes

Teaching is a noble profession. Children are the innocent minds that help spread love, laughter, cheerfulness and kindness. There is no better way to learn and share these Ignatian values other than being around children. Being in a Jesuits institution teaches me to bring out these values and also spread it around, to make the world a happier place. I hope to always learn and grow with my school and serve it to the best of my abilities. I have always been a person who loves to be around children, not only to inspire but also to be inspired. To move above and beyond, making an impact through every life I touch. While my classroom is a fun place to be, I also believe in developing discipline, responsibility and values right from the core. I believe in playing games, provided it is played by the rules. And lastly, I was inspired by an eminent personality to always stay humble!

“Humility costs nothing, it is royalty without a crown.”

Ms. Margaret Cardoz

​It was way back in the year 2012 when my little niece turned two that I found myself questioning what I was really doing with my life ahead. Here was a little child with delayed milestones and

looking up to me for encouragement and support.From that very moment my life took a turn which I will never regret. I felt the immense need to hold the little hands of the most fragile human beings- and lead them on. Some ‘special needs children’ would be looking out for a shoulder to lean on. I had the calling, the desire to give to the future generations of children the unconditional love I had received from my own parents. I did my Teachers Training and decided to spend the rest of my life ‘Learning’!!

My Motto fitted into my plan seamlessly, ‘’to make a difference’’ I knew instantly that the hallmark of a good teacher is to make every child feel included, respected and valued. I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the question put by Todd Whittaker, ‘’What Great Teachers Do Differently?’’ I have taken this question to heart and resolved that I don’t want to be just one more adult in my students’ lives. If I could bequeath to the children in this institution a legacy , it would encompass love for all, compassion and empathy for the needy and a yearning to be ‘’Lifelong Learners’’ I will be satisfied if my students grow into young responsible adults who will one day give back to society. And long after they leave the portals of this institution and its hallowed walls they will look back and say’’ I am proud to be an alumni of “Campion School’’

Ms. Jennifer Rodrigues

As a young graduate, I like many others of my age, was drawn towards the corporate world. However, I knew I was called to serve society, and so I followed in my mother’s footsteps, and became a qualified teacher!

I believe very strongly in the Ignatian Motto of ‘Joy in Truth’ and wish to teach every student to befriend truth and honesty in order to live with pride!

With the many skills that I possess, I wish to educate every child that is entrusted to my care with good values that will help him become a better citizen!

As a teacher, I am constantly learning and creating new ways to make teaching and learning more fun and creative.

With dedication and commitment, I look forward to making our institute one of the best all over the world!

Ms. Sabita Carvalho

Teaching is not a profession; it is a vocation. I got my call way back when I was a teenager, since then I never looked back. I must say , my mother played a big role in me becoming a teacher.The impact she had on my life reflects in the way I deal with my students. It is always less about myself and more about my students. Teaching is selfless and that is the beauty about it.

My motto – Don’t teach, inspire reflects in my aim, which is to have an impact on every child . To me, grades are not as important as the memories and experiences through which each child learns. I believe, if I can impart one good value in every child, I have achieved my goal.

I believe that as a teacher  you never stop learning. I look to learn new things and implement it into my teaching. I am proud to say my students have taught me more than I could even imagine.

 In a teacher’s life there is no stop. They say, ‘Running waters never dry’ which means always go with the flow and never stop learning. 

My goal as a Campion teacher is to make my students Men for Others. The values of St Ignatius Of Loyola should be instilled in them for the Greater glory of God.

Ms. Megha Jindal

I’ve been teaching at Campion School since 2007 and it’s been a wonderful experience. Dealing with young and brilliant minds everyday gives me incredible joy.

Sharing my expertise and passion, encouraging children to inculcate Yoga in their lifestyle from childhood makes my work extremely purposeful and powerful. 

I seek to help my students thrive in lives by nurturing body and mind with Yoga, to help them grow stronger, more flexible and inspire them live each moment more mindfully.

Believing in my motto, the more we learn, the more there is to learn – After completing Diploma from Kaivalyadham, I’ve further pursued certification in Naturopathy, participated in and won Mumbai District championship and also represented Mumbai in State Level Competition.

Teaching and learning from children always adds to the richness of this experience and I am forever grateful for this wonderful opportunity.

Ms. Threasa D’Silva

As a child, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher as I love the company of children.

My motto as a teacher is, sharing knowledge, as I believe that there is nothing better than sharing.

I try to teach my students to be independent and make the art and craft lessons as enjoyable as possible. I try to reach out to each and every student in my class and ensure that they complete their work.

While teaching, I learn new activities and try out new things. My class is very interesting and constantly buzzing with information, questions and ideas.

I want to give my best to my students  in whatever way possible. I also want to instill some good values and teach boys to live the Campion motto “Joy in Truth”.

Ms. Pooja Dubey

My work is a reflection of my love towards little children. I have always been intrigued to teach and learn more about these young minds.

My motto as a teacher is to enrich the creativity and zest for learning more and reaching a goal. I work for the all round development of each and every child that is under my care.

As a teacher I am always working to improve my skills and enhance my knowledge through the many workshops and seminars.

Ms. Persis Mistry

I am a proud student of Meher and Nosherwan Jehangir, under whose guidance I completed all my grade examinations in Speech and Drama and an “Advanced Performer’s Certificate”  from the Trinity College, London, exam board. From a young age, I enjoyed performing and while still in Junior College, I began working as a teacher at the Jehangir’s School of Speech and Drama (JSSD), where I trained children to appear for speech and drama examinations.  

 After graduating with a B.Com degree, I spent over 3 years exploring the world of Investment Banking and Finance, but soon realised that teaching speech and drama was my calling, and I went back to doing what made me most happy – teaching and training young performers.

 In 2010, I joined Campion School, part-time, as visiting faculty for Speech and Drama, teaching classes 1 to 4. I took a gap year from Sep 2012 to Sep 2013, to complete my Masters degree in London – an MA in Applied Theatre (Drama in the Community & Drama in Education), from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, (University of London). I returned to Campion School, upon completing my Masters. 

 As a freelance drama facilitator, I have worked at other schools, alongside Campion, in the past, including St Xavier’s Boys’ Äcademy (SXBA) and SRCC’s Citi Academy for Special Education. I have written scripts and directed plays for many schools and was a part of the Akanksha Foundation’s Drama Club. 

 In addition to teaching at Campion, I currently conduct my own Speech & Drama Classes for children. I also volunteer some of my time to social work through a group called Live to Give.

 My goal is to encourage all my students to use Drama and Improvisation, to express their thoughts and ideas creatively.  I hope to help every student find their own self confidence and feel comfortable voicing their opinions. 

 A quote that I find inspiring is by American Historian Henry Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” I believe we have a responsibility as teachers, because the words we say, and our actions can potentially impact the young minds we interact with. I thoroughly enjoy every moment of teaching and I am grateful to connect with so many young and talented performers, every day.

Ms. Shruti Gala

Being surrounded by young & imaginative minds brings the kind of vibrancy which no other profession can. Moreover, there is nothing more satisfying than helping young minds reach their full potential.

I believe that every child is unique, and a classroom should be an environment that is stimulating, encouraging and adaptive to the varied needs of students. By providing students with a safe atmosphere in which they are free to express themselves and by offering plenty of positive reinforcements, I work towards developing a strong connection with each student.

Campion school has a holistic approach towards education and that fits perfectly with my own teaching philosophy. I include such innovative methods & techniques in my teaching-learning process that provides maximum hands-on experience to the students, which helps them to explore and discover their true potential.

MY MOTTO: ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’.

I am very grateful to Campion School for giving me this valuable platform and I feel extremely proud and happy to be a part of this esteemed institution.

Ms. Ballerinia Pinto

​A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart forever. As a teacher, I believe every student has the potential which is unique and special to the world. To me, teaching means to touch lives forever. There is learning, healing, laughter, caring, and sharing every day in the classroom. I also believe in the grooming of young minds and hearts into leaders of tomorrow. As a teacher I am to create an atmosphere that encourages enthusiasm, curiosity, learning and happiness in a classroom and it is very important that every child feels important, respected, and cared for.

I wish to impart the right education and inculcate the right values among the young minds with dedication, commitment, and loyalty keeping our school motto in mind Joy in Truth.

Ms. Samantha DeMenezes

To me, children are the future. What we do today will have an impact on tomorrow!

I believe that love can change anything and hence my motto,‘Educate children to love and the rest will follow’

I am always working towards making the students independent thinkers and learners and impart values for life. I believe that with kindness and love I can, and will create an impact on the lives of children- Shaping the minds of our future leaders.

Ms. Analisa Alphonso

The intriguing world of mind and behaviour always held an enigma for me. Understanding the different ways in which each individual learns and thinks has always been a passion. I like to read, research and try different techniques and therapies which have been introduced and used successfully.

Since 2010, I have helped several schools design and implement the school counselling and special education programs to suit the school board. I have accomplished these by collaborating with and training the faculty, parents, and other stakeholders to sensitize them in dealing with children diagnosed with disabilities and behavioural disorders.

I personally think every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. As such, my motto is to give these young individuals the tools to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge by leveraging their strengths. In the words of Albert Einstein “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.”

To accomplish this, I teach to the needs of each child so that all learners can feel capable and successful. The type of support provided to each depends entirely on the individual’s needs. I aim to have an education plan tailored to meet the identified needs of each child. I do this, by using topics that involve the interests of the child and make learning relevant to life. I incorporate themes, integrated units, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning to make children active learners. I am flexible and I am willing to implement a new lesson plan on the spot to fill in any learner skill gaps before moving forward. I welcome mistakes as it is a door to learning.

Above all, my belief is that learning should be fun and exciting for all!

My recipe for success in developing learners is combining my knowledge, skills and expertise; adding fun, love, laughter and compassion; and ends with a final swirl of respect and patience. I am passionate about inspiring students to develop their self-confidence through learning and communication while recognizing that lifelong learning is the true pathway to self-development, self enhancement, and success. Thus, providing group or individual responsive therapy has always been my focus.

Where some might see bad behaviour and disability as obstacles, I see possibility,  therefore it is my mission to offer every child I encounter, possibilities in place of their obstacles.

Ms. Pearl Fernandes

”The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.”
I believe in creating a safe space where my students can express themselves which in turn will develop their confidence and inculcate a feeling of self-worth. I persevere to know more about my students’ interests, strengths and weaknesses. Little children often have active imaginations, and they enjoy using their curiosity to explore their feelings and their world. I aim to utilize this innate nature in my teaching learning processes.

Ms. Pearl Fernandes

”The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.”
I believe in creating a safe space where my students can express themselves which in turn will develop their confidence and inculcate a feeling of self-worth. I persevere to know more about my students’ interests, strengths and weaknesses. Little children often have active imaginations, and they enjoy using their curiosity to explore their feelings and their world. I aim to utilize this innate nature in my teaching learning processes.

Ms. Juliet D’Souza

I have a Masters in Clinical Counselling Psychology from SNDT University (Mumbai), I have a Diploma in School Counselling and SLD. I have been trained in Metaphor Therapy, Play Therapy, CBT and Clinical Hypnotherapy. I specialise in Children and Family. I have over a decade of experience, working with special populations at schools and amp clinic settings. My approach is eclectic.

 Counselling is individual, there is no one size fit all narrative, everyone’s path winds in different ways. I believe in a holistic approach which is deeply grounded in the fact that mind and the body work together to create optimum health and wellness. In addition, being attuned to one’s mental and emotional state is necessary to keep the body in ideal health. I think the most valuable aspect of being a counsellor is having an opportunity to just be there for students and to listen (Every child you pass in the hall has a story that needs to be heard..) it sounds so simple but can be so powerful for a student to be heard and feel valued. I provide Personal, Developmental, Behavioral, Social and Emotional support to both parents and students. I believe that nurturing ALL students’ social and emotional well-being will encourage academic development and future success.

Ms Margaret Gonsalves

I have been teaching Marathi for the past 16 years. I was working as the language coordinator in my previous school and have a good experience of developing Marathi language of non-native speakers.
I believe learning a different language helps us explore a completely new world. I teach Marathi lessons to the students by helping them relate to their own experiences which helps them connect with it better.
I hope to create, a love for the language, in my students and strive to achieve this by making my classes as interactive as possible.
My goal as a teacher is to show my students the beauty of Marathi language.

Ms. Sarita Kinny

“The influence of a good teacher can never be erased” A teacher effects eternity and hence to train young minds to attain excellence and to make them better future citizens, I chose teaching as a profession.

My job keeps me happy and energetic. It has taught me compassion the value of commitment and sincerity….There’s so much to love about this role that I have been playing past twelve years and I don’t want to stop.

Ms. Neha Vaz

Nothing makes a teacher prouder than seeing their students succeed’ knowing they have helped give kids the skills they need for the future.

Though my part towards education started early on in my high school years, my first official teaching experience helped me learn a lot. I got to work in one of the Jesuit institutions which was definitely the most awaited opportunities in my life.

I have always loved kids and my happiness seemed to reach seventh heaven when I got the privilege to teach the junior grade in Campion School.

This teaching experience gave me a foresight of what it is that I could potentially be doing a few years from now, and I am more than excited to explore this amazing field that is education

Ms. Fleurette Fernandes

“I believe that education is the foundation of success and is a life long learning process”

Teaching is a noble profession. Dealing with innocent and pure minds who help me to see the world in a positive direction.

I strive to meet a middle ground with my students so that all are willing to learn from the teaching process.

I believe that all students are unique in their own way

Making a difference in the life of a single student is an achievement in itself.

Ms. Jennifer Fernandes

Teaching is not a professional decision I made, but a calling I answered to.

My purpose of becoming a teacher was, and still remains, an unquenchable quest to make students believe that they are unique gifts to the world. Each one, irrespective of their academic capacities, belongs and contributes to the making of a thriving, wonderful world. And each one significantly, holds a very special place in the hearts of their teachers. I aim to create, through the medium of education, a society of fearless, empathetic, confident minds that do not get rattled by numbers and competition, but choose to grow each day and never stop learning.

Ms. Nisha Susan Mathews

I realised my passion for teaching at a very young age when I was given a chance to mentor  a group of classmates in Grade 10. From then to now, what keeps me ticking is the fact that I have been able to make a difference in other people’s lives.

I  see myself, first as a lifelong learner and then as an educator who will be well equipped to train her pupils to face the challenges of life. As a teacher at Campion School, my goal is to join in the common mission of creating, thinking and compassionate individuals  who will make valuable contributions to the society.

My motto as a teacher is to ‘Never ever give up on a single child !