- Scouts
- School Band
- Cub Packs
- R.S.P
- Red Cross
- Sanskar
- Nature
- Adventure Club
- Interact
Cub Packs
43rd East Bombay Cub Packs :
The aims and objectives of the movement are reverence to God and selfless service to the country and humanity in general.
They are attained by developing the character of Cubs and trying to mould them into good and useful citizens. Selection of recruits for five Cub Packs is made from the Primary section.
The Road Safety Patrol (R.S.P.) :
Its motto is “We live to serve” and it aims at developing character, comradeship, the ideal of service and capacity for leadership in young men and women; providing service training to young men and women so as to stimulate interest in the safety of the people from accident; building up potential officers to enable the Police Force to expand at the time of emergency; and inculcating discipline among the students.
Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness teaches children to become young ACTIVE CITIZENS. They lean how to look after their environment, learn tolerance and correct social behaviour, engage with the local government and believe that each one of them can influence people to change at least one habit. They recycle Tetra Pak, clean the beach to understand the difference between bios-degradable and non-degradable substances among other projects through the year.
It provides an opportunity to the students to follow and understand the cultural values of our ancient Indian Civilization, and aspires to inculcate the noble ideals of our cultural heritage in young minds by organizing various cultural activities both within the School as well as in collaboration with other schools and organizations with similar aims.
Nature Club of India :
It represents the Youth Wing of the World Wildlife Fund. Its aim is to make India’s children aware of the great economic, cultural and aesthetic value of national resources by spreading interest and knowledge about its wildlife, rivers, forests and other natural resources.